Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Easter bunny
Last week we did some Easter bunny art. We had to put glasses on our bunny. For the background we marbled. Our bunnies had patterns all over them. My bunny had stars, waves and lots of other things. For marbling you got to chose two colours to mix together. Easter art was fun. I hope we do it again.🐰
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
In the beginning
In the Beginning
How it all started
At first there was Rangi the sky father and Papa the earth mother. They were together until their children didn’t like the cramped place. When the 6 mini gods had Ideas of getting out of the dark place they all tried to separate their parents. First Tangaroa tried but he couldn’t separate his parents. Tu got angry and suggested that he kills his parents. Tawhirimatea sat sadly and thought it was cruel to pull apart his parents. Tane had an idea, he pushed legs against Rangis chest and boosted him into the air. The mini gods were free and they had their own god jobs to do. That how humans came to life.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Handwriting Sample
Here is my handwriting sample for Term 1.
I am good at good at sizing my letters.
I need to work on sitting the letters on the line.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Taipiri te maunga
Ko Otaki te awa
Ko Ngati Raukawa te iwi
No Ohaeawai ahau
Ko Ruth me Maureen raua ko Gary me Duncan oku tupuna
Ko Alissa raua ko Nathan oku matua
Ko Georgia toku ingoa
No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Taipiri te maunga
Ko Otaki te awa
Ko Ngati Raukawa te iwi
No Ohaeawai ahau
Ko Ruth me Maureen raua ko Gary me Duncan oku tupuna
Ko Alissa raua ko Nathan oku matua
Ko Georgia toku ingoa
No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
‘’Go, Go!’’ I shouted as the boys ran past. (Turns out little kids are pretty fast.) I was so excited. ‘’Year 3 and 4s please line up here’’ directed Mrs Gardiner. Year 3 girls were first then year 3 boys. Finally it was year 4 girls. First girls swam 2 lengths of the deep cold pool. Honestly, it was so cold and so deep. My arms were going as fast as they could. My arms felt like propellers on a helicopter. I did like four rainbow arms and then took a breath. Next we hopped out and got a bike. I walked it to the gate. We got on at Mrs Craig and rode it down Mr Lawrence's driveway to Mrs Clarke. I went wide and then in another gate, around the bike track to the big rock. Then we hopped off and lined our bike up. Finally we ran to the empty bike shed and around the back to the pumpkin patch (which doesn’t really have any pumpkins). Then we raced to Nanny Pam and up the steep hill to Jamie's mum, down past the playground and across the finish line. “Do you want some milk?” asked Mrs Whitelaw. “Yes please,” I said with a puff. I drank it then I folded it. The memo for the milk is Drink it dry, Fold it flat Send it back. Brooke and I were watching the Year 5 and 6s do their bits and pieces. Brooke was begging me to ask if we could go to the bake sale. I said we can go after the race. When the race was finished we got Leonor and set sail for the bake sale. Brooke got 3 cupcakes, Leonor got 4 and shared them and I got 5 different but tasty cupcakes!
‘’Go, Go!’’ I shouted as the boys ran past. (Turns out little kids are pretty fast.) I was so excited. ‘’Year 3 and 4s please line up here’’ directed Mrs Gardiner. Year 3 girls were first then year 3 boys. Finally it was year 4 girls. First girls swam 2 lengths of the deep cold pool. Honestly, it was so cold and so deep. My arms were going as fast as they could. My arms felt like propellers on a helicopter. I did like four rainbow arms and then took a breath. Next we hopped out and got a bike. I walked it to the gate. We got on at Mrs Craig and rode it down Mr Lawrence's driveway to Mrs Clarke. I went wide and then in another gate, around the bike track to the big rock. Then we hopped off and lined our bike up. Finally we ran to the empty bike shed and around the back to the pumpkin patch (which doesn’t really have any pumpkins). Then we raced to Nanny Pam and up the steep hill to Jamie's mum, down past the playground and across the finish line. “Do you want some milk?” asked Mrs Whitelaw. “Yes please,” I said with a puff. I drank it then I folded it. The memo for the milk is Drink it dry, Fold it flat Send it back. Brooke and I were watching the Year 5 and 6s do their bits and pieces. Brooke was begging me to ask if we could go to the bake sale. I said we can go after the race. When the race was finished we got Leonor and set sail for the bake sale. Brooke got 3 cupcakes, Leonor got 4 and shared them and I got 5 different but tasty cupcakes!
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